Shhheesh..look at Mom's hair!
Some of Hope's behavior is seeming kind of strange. At first I thought..well not much thinking at all, cause I was exhausted...but now I feel there is some strange behavior going on. Hope sleeps much better, she has her nights-though its much better than before. She's a terrific eater and seems to have no allergies, we just had her finish up her Amoxicillin for a nasty ear infection. We took her to get her skull and bones evaluated..all look fine. Though, she has a certain capacity for being held, she slaps-alot! This part has me frustrated and even Hope probably, because when I tell her no and show that I am not happy...she starts to hit herself! She even bangs her head on the floor or on the wall. We don't know why she does this. When she tries to bite me and I tell her no she laughs! I think she bites because of the teething though. AAAAHHHHH...Hopee, Hopee...she needs a lot of emotional support it seems. The neglect in the orphanages to have their tolls I am afraid. We will get passed this, though any idea of more* children in the future..uuuhhh NO:) We are at capacity, I'm sure. Also, just Hope being a girl, is quite a spin on this family lol...what can I say? Its complicated! Hope also is crawling everywhere and getting into things..she bumped her head twice! I nearly died..and cried! She stopped crying when I started, and then smacked me...guess I needed that wink* I'll start posting more pics..when I can keep something cute in her hair long enough..grrrr..GIRLS!
I have followed your blog for awhile. We brought our daughter home from Russia last August. She did the same thing, slapped us and banged her head. The good news is she doesn't do it anymore. give yourself and your daughter time to adjust. It will get easier. We still can't get Grace to leave anything in her hair though!
It sounds like a phase. Hopefully, time and consistency will help. Good luck!
PS. You're scaring me :)
EJeannie, I have left you two emails. Please respond. Need to send the medical bag to the next family.
Claire does the same thing. I think it is to get attention. We are having her followed by a developmental pediatrician as well as her normal pediatrician. She is gradually getting better about it. We were afraid people would think we were abusing her cause she would hurt herself and laugh. She had bruises everywhere.
My child did this and turns out she has autism. She could also have sensory issues. Hopefully not though :)
seem like orphanage behavior from what i have heard. I would check with an occupational therapist if you are concerned to see if it is sensory issues. But if she does it when she is only upset then it is probably a behavior she used in the orphanage and you could distract her and tell her it isn't good to hurt herself or you and move onto something else. Keep us posted, I am sure you are all trying to adjust. Blessings
Our daughter did the same things when she came home at 13 months old. It seemed like she was cutting all her teeth at once. We just consistently redirected her and redirected her until finally the biting stopped.
Her hitting was not too bad, but certainly not appropriate behavior (not to mention that it hurts ones feelings to be looking lovingly into their baby's eyes only to get whacked in the nose.) In our home it was aggravated by her brothers because they would tell her to "hit" them and then fall to the floor all dramatic like. Of course she laughed like crazy which only made them do it more. The good news is that I don't even remember when it stopped but I hadn't even thought about it until I read your post today. Slow and steady wins the race. Just keep loving on her!
Experienced this for a very brief period. Our solution: say "no hit, gentle" then followed with kisses and giggles. The hitting stopped within 2 days. Also had lots of teething toys (the ones you put in the fridge were great.)
Thanks guys for all your input! I am not terribly worried yet..I just know its a tad peculiar. My boys also, are encouraging it was funny when you mentioned about the siblings encouraging (sounds familiar). Guess time will tell..thank you guys so much for caring!
Amy, I emailed you back. Sorry for the delays.
Our son has been home with us for over three years now... I will tell you this, it will pass. Our "miracle month" was at 6 months home. Almost all of the things like slapping, biting etc was over by then. It's all very common. Just keep in mind... this too shall pass. :o) Your daughter is beautiful. Found out about you on Lighthouse's Welcome Home Page. Congratulations on being up on the "board". We're on the 2007 page second from the bottom, Ivan :o))
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