Just sent out for visas again, and also making apartment reservations already..for yet another 5 day stay. I am actually, more nervous this time around for some reason. Perhaps, because its just flowing too smoothly (99%). We just want to go there and pick Hope up, finally. Take her out of there, and feed her, bath her, dry her, comb her hair and wrap her up in some soft new jammies;) Kiss her lots more and snuggle close till she falls asleep..
I pray the Embassy goes well..please no more holidays or delays!
I have to admitt, so far I am not dying...the three trip process is not bad at all! I thought it would be unbearable, but it's quite fine. Its been very, very beneficial to our three boys!I look back at our original plan..and don't think it would have worked out..the whole going back and forth for an hour at a time with the baby would drive us nuts!
Something to truly think about when on this journey..everyone's experience is truly unique, and can be especially helpful to PAP's..and what works for one may not work for another. So I recommend having an open mind and lots of flexibility. The Agency is there to help with most, but cannot predict all...something to keep in mind..don't get frustrated with the little things, if there's a solution (that can be identified off the bat...even if it sux) just breathe, and keep moving forward!
There's a couple in Russia right now who is with our Agency..I pray for their Adoption Success;)
I hope everything goes well for you. I am heading back on Sunday to bring Maura home. Finally!!!
One more step closer to Hope! We are on the four trip plan :) We'll have the airport memorized by then!
We found that the three trip plan worked best for us too. I think I would've gotten depressed with the cold, dreary days if I would've stayed for the 10 day wait.
Hi Jeannie and Freddie, It was so great to meet you in Moscow. I'm so excited that you're going to pick up Hope next week! It's just around the corner!!!
I actually just registered last night and had fun buying loads of cute things for TJ at Land of Nod...what fun! His room is getting painted next week and the crib is on order!
I'm thinking of you both! Safe travels!
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