Monday, April 22, 2013

The "I'm a SUPERSTAR" Pic

When we saw this pic, we just knew this was the Amelia we've been dreaming about in our hearts. My husband says she's going to fly planes-yes, he chose Amelia as in 'Amelia Earhart'. Whatever it says in her medical file...she clearly hasn't let that slow her down. Our girl is on the move and probably already knows, how much she is loved by God first and foremost and of course by us-her family in Florida. She is recieving excellent care at her orphanage, she is very attached to her nanny and has these adorable little friends that she likes to hold hands just makes you melt. I really did think I was peeking into the kingdom of heaven when I saw her videos. The music playing in the backround, and the giggles and songs of the children, running around with eachother. Sighhhh who says angels are not living amongst us?


Jeanette said...

Oh my gosh!!!! She is so cute!!!!! She does resemble Hope! She looks strong and healthy to me :) Congratulations!!!

Jeannie and Freddy said...


Gracie's Mommy and Daddy said...

Awww, she's so cute!