Monday, March 4, 2013

God's voice in a Dream

I had a powerful dream about my grandfather who is very ill right now with cancer. I decided to get on a flight to Canada and see him and tell him about my dream. He is very ill, and he was very weepy-as we spoke in depth about my dream and my prayers he began to weep as he said that is what he has been saying to God for the past few days. He has not made peace with his children from a former marriage and I advised him that it was time to do so. It was very powerful, and God gave me the right words as I had to tell him in Italian...God can cross these barriers...we are back home now and we continue to pray for him and ask that you so as well his name is Geraldo. Please pray that he forgives his children and that his children forgive him and see him before it is too late.

On a lighter note: I have friends who embarked on a Russian adoption and they were led to the wrong agency. I tried telling them that our agency was very good and that they should use our agency Lighthouse-they quickly switched over despite losing money. Then Russia closed their doors...and I was numbed by horror for them. We waited, we prayed..and it seems Russia's doors may remain closed. So I had a dream...and I heard a voice...the voice was very encouraging of our Chinese adoption...and there was going to be something wonderful about it as 'friends were going to join us'.....friends? I quickly told my neighbors as we are all quite close and their were contemplating adoption. It seemed that adoption was in the another neighbor was also contemplating adoption...but they decided domestic was going to be best for them-as special needs is quite scary as well as the travels and the costs. So I thought some more...I wrote a letter to our dear friends who were in pain and sorrow over Russia. I wrote them about my dream...and I wrote to never give up...adoption is God's heart and His plan....when a door shuts 5 more they wanted an Asian girl anyway...I asked what about China guys? What about if you are the friends that will be joining us on our adoption journey? They thought about it, and again we all prayed...and just a few days ago they said they signed an application with CCAI and will be embarking on China! WOW....I can't say enough about this couple...He is a pastor and she is a teacher and pastor's daughter...they have the faith..but I can see God working even further in them. Please pray for this couple couple and their future little girl.

I thank you Lord that you are great and powerful but that you still love us enough to speak to us. God we look forward to our journey and the blessings you have in store for our children.

JAMES 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

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