Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Next Steps...

We have another pack of paperwork to send to CCAI, which includes our clean bill of health and our travel companions (i.e. 4 cute little buttons that are tagging along with us) as well as 6 visas, to process after we get Immigration clearance. Sighhhh...

Also, our donation to the Henan orphanage must be sent by December 5th! I thought we'd have more time for fundraising, but apparently not...but its ok, we work better under pressure and have been setting aside some stuff for another huge garage sale.

Cash Local passport agencyIn China
Orphanage Fee Up to 35,000 RMB (Approx. $5,600-$5,700)Cash Local orphanageIn China

Orphanage Fee

   According to the Chinese government, the adoptive family is required to pay a child-rearing fee to the orphanage where the adoptive child was residing. The exact amount of this fee is determined by the orphanage and the daily exchange rate but is approximately $5,600-$5,700. This fee covers living expenses that the orphanage has already provided to the child and helps improve the overall living conditions of the orphanage. The families pay this fee directly to the orphanage when they are in China. Our daughter Faith, is coming from a special needs orphanage and so some of these children, may never get adopted by a family. 83% of China's orphans are special needs-anything ranging from cleft palate, missing limbs, nervous and cerebral disorders etc. Many are adoptable and just need the proper medical care that you and I often take for granted. You can help in multiple ways-word of mouth, social media such as FB, Twitter and Instigram-grab our Widget. Everyone can make a difference.

We are fundraising just for this portion of the adoption process. We do ask for as much help as possible, since we are now racing against time. China being a Hague country, does not make this all very easy. But truth be told, that falling in love with these Angels is very easy and very worth it!

Freddy and I want to thank you all for supporting us throughout this process.

Blessings to you all.


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