KNOCKING on Heaven's Door
John 14:13 Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Hey guys,
I want you to meet someone very close to us, his name is Liam Matthew and he is our son.
Liam was adopted on June 18, 2018. We were told, even though our hearing was scheduled as such, Liam may still have to wait for another hearing. Well, God said something different that morning. God gave the judge wisdom and discernment and the judge granted the adoption! Liam now can have health insurance, a birth certificate and the works. We cannot thank the Lord enough for what he has done for our family. He restores and unites, He heals and mends the broken hearts and the broken pieces. Jesus, you gave us a hope and a future and you gave us our son Liam. We thank you for all of our precious six children, each and everyone of them-precious.
Thank you.
Friday, June 8, 2018
Ten Day Count Down!
Romans 8:25 New International Version (NIV)
25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
Today marks the ten day count down until your adoption is final. L. since you've been home with us you've been a blessing! Your love, affection and kindness have been remarkable. You never protest brushing your teeth; although you dislike showers very much and you're a sleepy head who likes to sleep in the morning and not wake up for school! I told you that today marks the very last day of school for all of us and now we can all sleep in the a.m. I pray from now until Adoption day, that we all rest some and take in all that God has done for all of us this past year as a family. No words can really describe the excellence of God. He has called us to a higher calling, He has called us together, He has called us to be a family.
I am praying for the next ten days to be special, calm and edifying for all of us-all 8 of us. Your brothers love you, your sisters adore you and your parents treasure you. Lately, you've been under the weather and have this awful cough. You've taken to the nebulizer and the Albuterol fine, for some reason you were so impatient yesterday that you decided to up the inhalation process by swallowing the Albuterol!
We were all very fearful of the side effects-by God's grace you are fine today. Phew. Kid, please don't scare us like that again!

Sunday, May 20, 2018
God is in the WAITING.....
Genesis 29:20
20 So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.
May 18, 2018 was your original adoption date but it got pushed back and so we wait some more for that final day. Throughout the waiting it has been so much fun getting to know you and see you grow a whole inch taller, shoe size bigger! Your giggling has gotten louder and you adore the outdoors a whole bunch. You ride your tricycle around and around the house. You love trains, planes and baseball! Just recently you insist on running around with a baseball bat in your school bag and you often run around from base to base trying to make it to home plate. Soon my son, we will get there-together as a family. Blessings-we love you L. so much it hurts. xox
Meet our little Mystery Boy
The many many faithful servants along the way....
The Lord says, “My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, That they may dwell with me; He who walks in a perfect way, He shall serve me.”
A faithful man will abound with blessings
Psalm 101:6
Daddy and Mommy cannot thank God enough for you; you are a true miracle of God. We could never fathom that God would give us another child from China, one as wonderful and mysterious as you! You have the most beautiful eyes and smile. You are super silly, rambunctious and you love, love to sing! It must have been because of all the faithful servants and missionaries who visited you while you were in the orphanage recovering. They must have sang to you. God sent them to care for you as he knew mommy and daddy needed the time to learn about patience and faith. We do not know the names of these faces, a few of many faces that we have seen in pictures who have cared for you, held you and made you smile. It was God Himself holding you through these kind and willing servants, strangers who loved you because you are so loveable. Thank you Lord for caring for L. through these amazing people. Bless them and continue blessing them because of their faithful hands and feet. 

God made you Perfect!
Friday, January 26, 2018
A New Year and A New Thing...

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